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Beer Can Race -- Fern Ridge, Oregon

Mike Knutson, as Supreme Commander Beer Can Operations Pacific, organizes our Tuesday night beer can races. Rules change every week, sometimes during the middle of the race, and it doesn't start until Big Dog crosses the line in clear air. But that's okay because Tuesdays would be boring without him. And without Craig too, but that goes without saying.

Here is a batch of pictures taken by my friend Stacy Rathbun on September 10, 2008. (Thanks Stacy!) It was a beautiful evening with a lot of boats trying to make the most of light air. Sorry we don't have close-up shots of everyone, but we were spread pretty far within a few minutes of the start. And don't worry, there isn't an overabundance of Varakai shots here.

Stacy Rathbun, the photographer and excellent helm

Eric Erno, determined to stay ahead of Dean

Charlie Magee, damn, how did Dean get by me?

Darrell Shaft, my spinnaker's bigger than your spinnaker.

Eli Kreigh, somewhere in the middle of the South Pacific right now
because Tuesday on Fern Ridge just doesn't provide enough excitement.

Eli with Admiral Geni Morrow, wondering why we aren't going faster.